Book Presentation
Are We All Hyperactive? The Astonishing Epidemic of Attention Disorders
Written by Patrick Landman
Translated by Peter Gillespie and David Jacobson
Editor: Ona Nierenberg
Agincourt Press, The Seahorse Imprint, 2023
Friday, June 14, 2024
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm (ET)
In-Person only
School of Visual Arts
133 W. 21st Street, Room 103C, New York, NY
As the diagnosis of ADHD continues its decades-long rise, the English translation of Patrick Landman’s Tous hyperactifs? L'incroyable épidémie de troubles de l'attention could not have come at a better time. The book begins by identifying the epistemological biases, poorly designed scientific studies, and conflicts of interest that have led to the dominant assumption that ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder based in a biological deficit or brain dysfunction.
But if ADHD does not exist as a natural entity like a medical illness, its symptoms certainly do. Hence the book's second important contribution: several psychoanalytic hypotheses regarding the psychic and behavioral symptoms associated with ADHD that will prove helpful for clinical practitioners.
Fee: Attendance is free and open to the public.
For more information about the book, click here.
Patrick Landman is a psychiatrist, child psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst practicing in Paris. Chairman of the scientific board of AEVE (a parents' group for children with autistic disorders), he is an ex-president of Espace Analytique, a researcher at U. de Paris VII, and president of STOP DSM. His most recent books are Tous hyperactifs? L’incroyable épidémie de troubles de l’attention, Tristesse Business—Le scandale du DSM 5, and Marx Lacan.