FREUD2LACAN — Developed by Après-Coup member Richard G. Klein, this website is an archive of bilingual (English-French) texts of Lacan, some of which are well-known but are published only in English in obscure journals and others he has commissioned translators to prepare an English translation. FREUD2LACAN also features about 70% of the Standard Edition of Freud in a bilingual form (English-German) as well as some bilingual texts of Freud that were not previously available in English. As a result of reading Lacan, Richard has also prepared bilingual texts of Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger.
A.L.I Association Lacanienne Internationale
Associaçao Psicanalitica de Porto Alegre
Convergencia - Movimiento lacaniano por el psicoanálisis freudiano
Ecole de psychanalyse Sigmund Freud
Ecole lacanienne de psychanalyse