Psychoanalysis as Such
Les discriminants spécifiques de la psychanalyse par rapport aux disciplines dites scientifiques et aux psychothérapies — Spirko, Jean
Function of the Letter and Writing in Psychoanalysis — Ferrari, Lilian
Lacan and the Place of the Analyst: Notes on the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real — Jorge, Marco Antonio Coutinho
The Mirror Stage — Winn, Martin
The Place and Contribution of Writing in Clinical Psychoanalysis — Erik Porge
On “Constructions in Analysis” and Psychoanalytic Truth — Nierenberg, Ona
Sergio Contardi: Una leggera indifferenza, un certo disinganno, un lieve disincanto — A cura di Giovanni Sias e Moreno Manghi, Tracce di Dario Contardi, Prefazione di Gabriella Ripa di Meana