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Acerca de la nocion de porvenir – Ferrari, Lillian

Act and Image — Vanier, Alain

Acte analytique, acte juridique: paradoxes, apories, contradictions — Mieli, Paola

Acting out and the Analyst’s Responsibility — Ferrari, Lillian

Activity versus passivity — Verhaeghe, Paul

The Angelic Body of Post-Modernism — Pommier, Gérard

Anguishing Dreams Between the Scene and the Real — Ferrari, Lilian

The Anorexic Mind — Sciacchitano, Antonello

Anxiety and Resuscitation of the Weaving of Existence — Saiegh, Ricardo

Bodily representations in the Baroque — Ferrari, Lillian

The Cogito and the Subject of the Unconscious — Ferrari, Lilian

Comments on the Sokal Affair — Vappereau, Jean Michel

Connected Babies — Vanier, Catherine

Convergencia 2019: Consumerist Civilization and the Subject of Psychoanalysis — Guido, Salvatore F.

Cyberesistance Fighter — An Interview with Paul Virilio — Dufresne, David

Discourses and Practices of Identity between Transformative and Conservative Politics — Prearo, Massimo

Écrire l´exil — Burckas, Cristina

The End of An Analysis — Winn, Martin

Escaping the Stain of the Real: the Biopolitics of Trauma — Kirshner, Lewis

Ethics of the unspeakable: Torture survivors in psychoanalytic treatment — Patsalides, Beatrice

Ex Nihilo – Stafford, Mark

Femininity and the Limits of Theory — Mieli, Paola

Foreign Languages and the Logical Operation of Separation – Muir, Annie

The Forgotten but Unforgettable Desire of Justice — Malmo, Jane B.

Freud avec Spinoza — Michels, André

Function of the Letter and Writing in Psychoanalysis — Ferrari, Lilian

Glancing at History, Punctuation on Formation. 25 Years of Après-Coup: Mieli, Paola

The Great Mr Gatsby — Sinclair, Vanessa

Identity and Victimhood — Ferrari, Lillian

Incorporer l’ab-sens pour se former au sexe — René Lew, French

Interpretation, Exile, Transmission: An Homage to Jacques Hassoun — Guido, Salvatore F.

An Introduction to The Conference — Mieli, Paola

Kant with Sade, Lacan with Adorno: "Enjoying bodies," the Ram and the Law. — Rabaté, Jean-Michel

Killing Time — Einis, Marcos

Lacan and Culturalism: A Chronicle of an “Untimely” Resistance to Psychoanalysis — Guérin, Nicolas

Lacan and Cybernetics — Guido, Salvatore F.

Lacan and the Place of the Analyst: Notes on the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real — Coutinho Jorge, Marco Antonio

La psychanalyse n'est pas une psychothérapie — Contardi, Sergio

Le Discours Medical — Galbiati, Annick

Le sinthome fait acte de passage au symbolique — René Lew, French

Les discriminants spécifiques de la psychanalyse par rapport aux disciplines dites scientifiques et aux psychothérapies — Szpirko, Jean

Les temps du traumatisme — Mieli, Paola

“Let There Be Light”: John Huston’s Film and the concept of trauma in the US after WWII — Ledes, Richard

Lire Le Nom? — Blévis, Jean-Jacques

L’hystérique et le ravage — Pickmann, Claude-Noële

L’échappement — René Lew, French

Melancholia in Polanski’s movie The Tenant — Aniel, Martine

Neoliberalism — Gillespie, Peter

New languages, new technologies — Fiumanò, Marisa

Novel Against Television — Mosca, Raffaello Palumbo

On “Constructions in Analysis” and Psychoanalytic Truth — Nierenberg, Ona

On the Formation of the Psychoanalyst — Safouan, Moustapha

On Tyranny: The Strauss-Kojève Debate — Colombo, Raffaella

Open Cities — Scandurra, Alessandro

The Mirror Stage — Winn, Martin

Neutrality, Indifferenz and Desire of the Analyst — Winn, Martin

The People as a Virtual Body — Rath, Claus-Dieter

The Place and Contribution of Writing in Clinical Psychoanalysis — Porge, Erik

Preliminary Remarks on “The Subject and the Territory” — Righi, Augusto

Psychanalyse et sciences: du fondement du discours de l’analyse — Vappereau, Jean Michel

Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry: the French Paradox — Vanier, Alain

The Question of Lay Analysis and the Consortium (English) — Nierenberg, Ona

The Question of Lay Analysis and the Consortium (French) — Nierenberg, Ona

Questions Raised by the Report of the Psychoanalytic Consortium on Analytical Training. Letter to Our American Colleagues (French) — Mieli, Paola

Questions Raised by the Report of the Psychoanalytic Consortium on Analytical Training. Letter to Our American Colleagues (English) — Mieli, Paola

The Reciprocal Creation of the World and the Subject — Dufour, R. D.

Regard sur l'histoire, ponctuation sur la formation. 25 ans d'Après-Coup: Mieli, Paola

Remains to Be Transmitted, Primo Levi’s Traumatic Dream — Blévis, Jean-Jacques

Resonancias — Lloret, Blanca

The Responsibility of Watching – Ferrari, Lillian

Reste à transmettre, Le rêve traumatique de Primo Levi — Blévis, Jean-Jacques

Revisiting Formation — Mieli, Paola

Rome, Jerusalem, the Subject of the Diaspora — Fuks, Betty

Round Table: Subject and Territory — Vanier, Alain

Round Table: To Be and Not To Be: Identity Today — Villa, Angelo

Savoir-faire and the Analytic Act — Ferrari, Lillian

Savoir-faire in child psychoanalysis — Vanier, Catherine

Se former à (l’absexe pour incorporer) l’échappement — René Lew, French

Secret Weapon — Mieli, Paola

Seminar, Class 4 — Azevedo, Beatriz

Sergio Contardi: Una leggera indifferenza, un certo disinganno, un lieve disincanto — A cura di Giovanni Sias e Moreno Manghi, Tracce di Dario Contardi, Prefazione di Gabriella Ripa di Meana

The Signification of the Phobia and the Role of the Father: Punctuations on Han’s case — Ferrari, Lilian

Some Remarks on Jean-Pierre Cléro’s Lacan and the English Language — Heller-Roazen, Daniel

Squaring the Circle — Redmond, Donna

The Truth Criterion — Leclaire, Serge

To Be and Not to Be: Identity Today — Bennani, Jalil

To Dream, To Err — Ripa di Meana, Gabriella

Totem and Taboo After Auschwitz — Fuks, Betty Bernardo

Treatment and Territorial Relation — Contardi, Dario

The Unavoidable Biases of ADHD — Landman, Patrick

Verde: Some Reflections On Medically Assisted Reproduction — Mieli, Paola
