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Father: The Love of What Binds — Paula Hochman 

Kerry Hugins, Morris Louis Tribute Series #1, 2021


Father: The Love of What Binds

Paula Hochman

Saturday, January 20, 2024
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM ET

“Father” is Lacan's name for what connects the real, the symbolic, and the imaginary, which is to say, the structure that houses the subject. We will examine its operation in psychosis and neurosis. 

Suggested readings: Lacan: Seminars XXII, 1974-75, R.S.I., April 15, 1975; XI, 1964, Les fondements de la psychanalyse [The Foundations of Psychoanalysis], class of June 24, 1964 ("In You More than You");  9e Congrès de l’École Freudienne de Paris sur “La transmission,” in Les Lettres de l’École, 1979, n° 25, vol. II, pp. 219-220.

Location: Online via Zoom. 

Fee: $40; for students with ID: $10.

Paula Hochman practices psychoanalysis in Buenos Aires. She is a member of Topologie en Extension, a professor at universities in Argentina and Brazil, and the author of Psicoanálisis del narcisismo y el fantasma. Un método en el laberinto (Logos Kalós, Buenos Aires 2019) and El Coraje de leer y otros ensayos (TEE/L. Álvarez, 2022), first published in English, as The Courage to Read (TEE/ L. Álvarez, 2021).

December 16

The Inside of Stumbling — Daniel Heller-Roazen 

January 27

On the One and the Pas-Tout (Part II) — Paola Mieli