Mieli, Paola

Paola Mieli, is a psychoanalyst in New York City. She holds a Doctorate in Philosophy (University of Milan) and a PhD in Psychopathology and Psychoanalytic Research (University of Diderot, Paris VII). She is a founding member and president of Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association (New York). She is a member of Le Cercle Freudien (Paris), of Espace Analytique (Paris), and of the section of Psychoanalysis in Psychiatry of the World Psychiatry Association (WPA). She is an honorary member of The European Federation of Psychoanalysis (Strasbourg), and an Associate Researcher at the Centre de Recherches en Psychanalyse, Medicine et Société at the University of Diderot - Paris VII. A Contributing Editor of the Journal Insistance: Art, psychanalyse et politique (Paris), she taught in the Department of Photography and Related Media of The School of Visual Arts in New York City from 1990 to 2017. The author of numerous articles on psychoanalysis and on culture published in Europe and America, her books include: Figures of Space. Subject, Body, Place (Agincourt Press, New York, 2017); Figuras do espaço. Sujeito, corpo, lugar (Anablume Publisher, San Paulo, 2016); A Silver Martian--Normality and Segregation in Primo Levi's Sleeping Beauty in the Fridge (PLC, New York) 2014; Sobre as manipulacaoes irreversivels do corpo (Contra Capa Publisher, Rio de Janeiro 2002); Being Human: The Technological Extensions of the Body (Co-Editor, Marsilio Publishers, New York,1999). She is the Publisher and Director of the Sea Horse Imprint (New York).


Femininity and the Limits of Theory - Mieli, Paola

Les temps du traumatisme - Mieli, Paola

Questions Raised by the Report of the Psychoanalytic Consortium on Analytical Training. Letter to Our American Colleagues. (English) - Mieli, Paola

Questions Raised by the Report of the Psychoanalytic Consortium on Analytical Training. Letter to Our American Colleagues. (French) - Mieli, Paola

Secret Weapon - Mieli, Paola

Verde: Some Reflections On Medically Assisted Reproduction - Mieli, Paola

Acte analytique, acte juridique: paradoxes, apories, contradictions - Mieli, Paola

Glancing at History, Punctuation on Formation. 25 Years of Après-Coup: Mieli, Paola

Regard sur l'histoire, ponctuation sur la formation. 25 ans d'Après-Coup: Mieli, Paola (French)

An Introduction to The Conference - Mieli, Paola

Revisiting Formation - Mieli, Paola