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On Object a as Voice — Lillian Ferrari (first meeting)

Lacan traced his object a as voice in several clinical phenomena within each of the psychic structures: the presence of voices in psychosis, the function of the Superego in neurosis, masochism in perversion. This working group will follow some of these articulations by reading selected chapters from Lacan’s Seminars: III, The Psychoses; X, Angst; XII, Crucial Problems for Psychoanalysis; and XVI, From an Other to the other.

Dates: Meetings will take place on Thursdays, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM on the following dates: November 14 and December 12, 2024; January 9, February 6, and March 6, 2025.

Location: Online via Zoom.

Fee: Attendance is free.

Registration: Please contact Lillian Ferrari at

Lillian Ferrari is a psychoanalyst practicing in NYC, and a member and faculty member of Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association. She has taught at Washington Square Institute and PINC (Psychoanalytic Institute of Northern California), and lectured at the Atlanta Psychoanalytic Society. Among her numerous articles on psychoanalysis are those published in Sexualidad y los Lazos Sociales (Letra Viva, 2018) and in the forthcoming online collection La ilusión de vivir, ¿tiene porvenir?

November 2

On the Clinic of Psychosis — Guy Dana 

November 15

Then and Now: On the Crowd, the Subject, and the Collective