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The Feminine Deal — Gisèle Chaboudez 

Book Presentation

The Feminine Deal — Gisèle Chaboudez  

Bilingual Edition
Seahorse Imprint, 2024 

Friday, September 27, 2024
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM (ET)

For the past twenty-five years, Gisèle Chaboudez has been rigorously interpreting and writing on Lacan’s concept of the sexual non-relation. For millennia the sexual law that universally defines “man as the one who has and woman as the one who is what he has” has masked and compensated for the absence of sexual relation, while generating a myriad of subjective and social effects. The feminine side of sexuation, which can be occupied by any gender, introduces the logic of the Not-all, creating the possibility for two jouissances to be shared in a singular and inventive way.

Location: In-person in NYC only.

Fee: Attendance is free and open to the public.

Gisèle Chaboudez is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst practicing in Paris. Formed by Jacques Lacan, she has been a director of medico-psychological centers and taught at Université Paris VIII. She is editor-in-chief of the magazine Figures de la psychanalyse and a member of Espace Analytique, where she teaches. Her books include Rapport sexuel et rapport des sexes (Denoël, 2004), Ce qui noue le corps au langage (Hermann, 2019), L’équation des rêves (érès, 2019), Féminité singulière (érès, 2020), Féminismes et féminités, le tout et le pas tout (érès, 2022), and What Can We Know about Sex? A Lacanian Study about Sex and Gender (Routledge, 2022). 

September 28

Where Do the Unconscious and Politics Meet?—Gisèle Chaboudez